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The Korean Cultural Center of Chicago (KCCoC) opened at Wheeling, IL in 2010. However, the inception of KCCoC goes back to 2004. Due to the growing Korean-American population in the Midwest, it was time to establish a physical facility where the surrounding communities can expand their interest in and help promote Korean heritage. In 2005, the first set of bylaws was written and KCCoC was granted its nonprofit status. From there forth, community members made incredible efforts to raise awareness and funds for a center.

In 2010, Korean Cultural Center’s current three acre—32,500 sq. ft.—property in Wheeling was purchased. The official opening of KCCoC was celebrated in June of 2011, and September of 2011 marks the starting of courses at the facility. Since then, KCCoC has continued to offer  a wide variety  of classes, events, and art exhibits and actively contributed to the surrounding communities. As KCCoC moves forward as an organization, it will build upon this strong foundation to continue serving all those in the Chicagoland area who are passionate about Korea and Korean culture.

Korean Cultural Center of Chicago

시카고 한인회의 창립과 같이 하여 역대 시카고 한인 회장과 이사장(김송기, 박균희, 박중구, 변호연, 심기영, 이근무, 이석순, 정해림)들이 한인문화회관의 필요성을 절실히 느끼고 추진한 결과 2003년 7월 1일 제26대 한인회의 출범과 함께 문화회관 건립 추진위원회를 구상하여 모금운동이 활성화 되었음.

2004.10. 30 한인회 이사회, 문화회관 추진위 구성 본격화, 단체장 회의 소집, 협조 요청. 2004.11. 8 블라고야비치 일리노이 주지사 관저로 한인 57명 초청 만찬. “문화회관 좋은 생각이다” 적극 지원 약속. 2004, 김길영 전 한인회장과 고 진태훈 회장 회동 후 벽돌쌓기 운동으로 문화회관 건립운동이 본격화 하였음.