The 3rd KCCoC Student Art Contest Award Ceremony & Exhibition  제3회 시카고한인문화회관 주최 학생미술대회 시상식 및 전시회

The 3rd KCCoC Student Art Contest Award Ceremony & Exhibition 제3회 시카고한인문화회관 주최 학생미술대회 시상식 및 전시회

The 3rd Korean Cultural Center of Chicago (KCCoC)-sponsored Student Art Contest accepted artworks under the theme of “Exploring K-Culture” and held an awards ceremony and exhibition at 5pm on Saturday, May 15th.

The Cultural Center revived the competition, which had been temporarily suspended since 2015, and set the theme of the work “Exploring K-Culture” in view of the recent rise in the Korean culture. The opportunity to participate was expanded to all students in the Chicago area, giving a total of 92 students an opportunity to show off their talents to their fullest, and 41 students won the award.

The competition was held in 4 grade categories in Kinder/elementary, elementary, middle and high school with each level awarding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes in total of 12 winners, and one Grand Prize winner (Naransolongo Batgerel’s ‘K-POP Meets Korean Dance’). In addition, special awards, honorable mentions and artfully creative awards were selected, and commemorative T-shirts were provided to all participants.

The Grand Prize winner was awarded the Congressman Brad Schneider’s Certificate of Award, and the 4 first place winners were awarded the President of Wheeling, Patrick Horcher’s Certificate of Award. Mayor Patrick Horcher (Village of Wheeling), Scott Britton (Cook County Commissioner), Liz Polmanski (Deputy Chief of Staff), and Debbie Fandrei. (Buffalo Grove Raupp Museum Curator) attended the award ceremony to hand out the awards and to congratulate the students.

Artworks of all of the students will the exhibited at the Cultural Center Gallery until May 26th. From Jun 3rd to 24th the awarded artworks will be exhibited at the Raupp Museum, a Buffalo Grove regional history museum as a collaborated partnership with KCCoC.


List of Winners:


1st Place: ‘Korean Culture’ (Jinu Choi, 2nd Grade)

‘Proud Korea’ (Seoyeon Seong, 4th Grade)

‘Traveling Around Korea’ (Dainne Park, 6th Grade)

‘My Ancestor’s Soul’ (Michael Choi, 10th Grade)


2nd Place: ‘Warrior and Shield Kite’ (Eathan Kim, 2nd Grade)

‘The Grove Day of Spring’ (Aaron Ahn, 5th Grade)

‘The Hanbok Dance’ (Kyuri Moon, 8th Grade)

‘Portrait of Korea’s History’ (Sean Park, 10th Grade)

3rd Place: ‘Turtle Ship’ (Jason Kim, 1st Grade)

‘Korean Desserts’ (Brigid Park, 4th Grade)

‘Korea’s Samul nori’ (Hudson Kim, 6th Grade)

‘Adoring Winter Kimchi’ (Jihye Kim, 11th Grade)


Special Award: 8 students

Honorable Mention: 10 students

Artfully Creative Award: 10 students

제3회 시카고한인문화회관 주최 학생미술대회가 “Exploring K-Culture”을 주제로 작품을 모집하여, 5월 15일 토요일 오후 5시에 시상식 및 작품 전시회를 열었다.

문화회관은 2015년 이후 잠정 중단되었던 대회를 부활하면서 최근 한국문화의 위상이 높아진 점을 감안하여 작품의 주제를 “Exploring K-Culture”로 하였다. 시카고지역 학생 모두에게 참가 기회를 넓히어, 총 92명의 학생들이 재능을 맘껏 펼치는 기회가 되었으며, 41명의 학생이 수상을 하였다.

대회는 유,초등부, 초등 고학년부, 중등부, 고등부 등 총 4부문으로 진행되었으며, 각 부문별 1,2,3등 총 12명과 전체 공모자 중 대상 1명 (Naransolongo Batgerel의 ‘K-POP과 한국 무용의 만남’)을 선정하였다. 그 외에 특선과 입선 및 창의력상을 다수 선정하였고, 참가자 전원에게는 접수 당일에 기념 티셔츠를 제공하였다.

대상에게는 Congressman Brad Schneider의 상장, 1등 4명에게는 Patrick Horcher 윌링 시장의 상장이 주어졌으며, 특별히 시상식에는 Patrick Horcher 윌링시장, Scott Britton (Cook County Commissioner), Liz Polmanski (Deputy Chief of Staff), Debbie Fandrei (Buffalo Grove Raupp Museum Curator)이 참석하여 축사 및 시상을 하며, 학생들을 축하해 주었다.

문화회관 갤러리에서 참가작 전체 전시회가 5월 26일까지 계속된 후, 6월 3일부터 24일까지는 문화회관 박물관과 파트너쉽을 결성한 버팔로 그로브 지역 역사박물관인 Raupp Museum에서 수상작들의 2차 전시를 가질 예정이다.

대상: ‘K-POP과 한국 무용의 만남’ (Naransolongo Batgerel)
1등: ‘Korean Culture’ (최진우)
‘자랑스러운 한글’ (성서연)
‘Traveling Around Korea’ (박다인)
‘My Ancestor’s Soul’ (Michael Choi)
2등: ‘Warrior and Shield Kite’ (Esther Kim)
‘The Grove Day of Spring’ (안성현)
‘The Hanbok Dance’ (문규리)
3등: ‘거북선’ (김준성)
‘Korean Desserts’ (박유명)
‘한국의 사물놀이’ (김정진)
‘정든 김장’ (김지혜)
특선: 8명
입선: 10명
창의력상: 10명