Living And Art  2015 시카고 한인미술협회 제43회 전시회

Living And Art 2015 시카고 한인미술협회 제43회 전시회

The Chicago Korean-American Artist Association
43rd Exhibition


Opening Reception: August 22 , 2015 (Sat)  6:00 – 8:00 PM

Exhibition Dates: August 22 – September 8,  2015

The Chicago Korean American Art Association (CKAAA) was founded 1981 in Chicago by a group of first generation Korean artists who sought to create a forum for artistic expression. The mission of the Association is to provide an artistic outlet and professional development for Korean-American artists by exposing their work to local Korean immigrants and the greater Illinois community with organized fine arts exhibitions. The group is comprised of masters and newly budding artists alike and specializes in a wide variety of art-forms.

Gallery Hours:
Mon. – Fri. 10AM-5PM
Sat. 10AM – 4PM
Sunday by Appointment only