2nd Performance of KCC Choir  시카고 한인 문화회관 합창단 제 2회 정기공연

2nd Performance of KCC Choir 시카고 한인 문화회관 합창단 제 2회 정기공연

The second regular performance of the Chicago Korean Cultural Center Choir was held at the Wheeling Korean Culture Center on March 3. The performance, which featured a total of 12 German and Korean songs under the theme of “Poems and Songs”, was performed under the direction of Kim, Jung-ah, with a special appearance by Lee, Ae-rim and Baritone Lee Soo-young. Founded by the Chicago Cultural Center choir is 2014, chairman of the Guwk, Nowha since been active in Chicago local communities. It performed Beethoven Symphony No.9 at the annual fund event in 2015 and 2017 and held the first annual concert in 2018 under the theme of Mozart’s Night, making it a choral group representing Chicago’s Korean society.

This second solo performance is meaningful in that it has helped to comfort and impress the Korean people by showing familiar songs and further promoting the artistic qualities of Korean and German songs through choruses. Now, we hope that the “Cultural Center Choir” will become the focal point for connecting the first generation of Korean community with the second- and third one. Most audience commented, “I felt as if I could hear spring comes with songs familiar to Koreans,” and added, “I was moved by the song by MC Kim Soo-hyun, who read the lyrics in Korean before the song started.” On this day, the choir finished the performance after singing two more encore songs at the request of the audience.

시카고 한인 문화회관 합창단  2 정기공연이 지난3 3 Wheeling한인 문화회관에서 230여명의관객을 모시고 성대히 열렸다.   “시와 가곡이라는 주제로 독일과 한국 가곡    곡을 선보인   공연은 김정아 음악 감독의 지휘 아래 이애림의 반주바리톤 이수영의 특별 출연으로 진행되었다시카고 문화회관 합창단은 2014 권오화 이사장에 의해 창단된 이래 시카고 지역을 중심으로 지역사회에서 활발하게 활동해 왔다. 2015, 2017 연례기금행사로 마련된 음악회에서 베토벤 심포니 No.9  공연했으며작년 2018년 제 1회 단독 정기공연에서는 모짜르의 밤 이란 주제로 음악회를 개최함으로서 명실공히 시카고 한인사회를 대표하는 합창단으로서의 면모를 갖추게 되었다.

이번 제2회 단독 공연은 친숙한 가곡들을 선 보임으로서 교민들께 위로와 감동을 선사하고 더 나아가 한국 가곡과 독일 가곡의 예술성을 합창을 통해 느끼시도록 홍보하는 역할을 한 데에 그 의미가 있다. 이제 5년차에 들어서는 문화회관 합창단이 1세 교민사회와 2,3세 한인들을 연결할 수있는 구심점이 될 수 있기를 기대한다. 관람객들으 한국인에게 친숙한 가곡들로 봄이 오는 소리를 듣는  같았다고 평했고 특히 가곡을 시작하기  MC 김수현씨가 가사를 한국어로 시낭송을 해줌으로써  감동이배가 되었다고 전했다  합창단은 관객들의 요청으로 앵콜  2곡을  부른뒤 공연의 막을 내렸다.