2021 Korean Traditional Art Summer Special Classes

2021 Korean Traditional Art Summer Special Classes

 2021 여름 한국전통공방 특강
Korean Quilt: July 14 & 21, 2021
Paper Jewelry Box: July 19 & 26, 2021

During the Summer, Cultural Center held traditional craft workshop classes where each class had a maximum of 10 students, one session per week for two weeks. Many students participated as it was during Summer break.

The ‘Jogakbo’ quilt, donated by Hanbok Technology Institute USA, class was slightly difficult as it was the first time hand sewing for some, but everyone successfully completed the work creating unique individual ‘Jogakbo’. In the ‘Hanji Jewelry Box’ class conducted by Hanji craft artist Seonju So, everyone created a delicate jewelry box by constructing all of the materials from start to finish from paper cutting to creating intricate decorative hanji art. Afterwards, all of the work was exhibited at the Cultural Center Museum and drew positive attention.


이번 여름 방학에 문화회관에서 열렸던 한국전통공방수업엔 각 수업마다 10명의 수강생을 정원으로 하여 각 수업마다 2주간의 강의가 진행되었다. 방학을 맞아 특히 학생들의 참여가 많았던 점이 눈에 띄었다.

한국의 한복기술진흥원이 후원해 주신 ‘조각보’ 만들기 수업에서는 바느질이 처음이라 조금은 힘들어하면서도 끝까지 잘 마무리해서 각자의 개성있는 조각보들을 완성했다. 한지공예가 소선주 강사가 진행한 ‘한지보석함’ 수업에서는 상자재단에서부터 한지장식에 이르기까지 조심스러운 작업들을 모두 잘 소화하여 보석함을 만들어 보았다. 특강을 마치고 작품들은 문화회관 박물관에서 전시되어 눈길을 끌었다.