2021 Book Discussion in August

2021 Book Discussion in August

August 21, 202

The second session of the Cultural Center Library Book Discussion program was “When Breath Becomes Air”. The book is about Paul Kalanithi, a young 36-year-old neurosurgeon, who struggled with death of patients with fatal brain injuries, who was also diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. A moving true story of a doctor’s final two years of his life.


문화회관 도서관 Book Discussion 프로그램 두번째 시간은 “숨결이 바람 될 때”였다. 이 책은 신경외과 의사로서 치명적인 뇌 손상 환자들을 치료하다가 자신도 폐암 말기 판정을 받고 죽음을 마주하게 된 서른여섯 젊은 의사 폴 칼라니티의 감동적인 실화이다.