The 5th New Artist Competition Exhibition

The 5th New Artist Competition Exhibition

The 5th New Artist Competition, sponsored by the Korean Cultural Center of Chicago, awards ceremony and opening reception were held at the Cultural Center Gallery on Saturday, August 14 at 5:00 p.m.
The New Artist Competition, the second competition since the Covide-19 pandemic, featured professional and non-professional Korean artists from all over the United States, with a total of 52 pieces of artworks. The artworks submitted were more unique and varied than the previous years, and each artist’s reverence, family, and dedication and love for art were expressed enthusiastically. Most notably, the participants were of a broad range of ages, with artists from their early 20s to early 90s participating in a well-intentioned competition as a medium of art. The competition elected 13 winners, including grand prize, 1st and 2nd place. The judging standards reflect the uncertain and grim situation of the present era, creatively delivered fresh and hopeful messages, and evaluated works with the possibility of future development.
The awards ceremony was attended by executives including, the president of The Chicago Korean American Art Association, Sung Eun Hong, Andrew Bae of Andrew Bae Gallery, and Tiffani Kim of the Tiffani Kim Institute to congratulate the winners on the celebration and awards. All of the artworks will be on display at the Cultural Center Gallery until August 31.
Awardees (Total 13):
1st Place: ‘Flowers’ (Ellie Lee)
2nd Place: ‘You’re Still Beautiful’ (Jihyun Ra)
3rd Place: ‘Chinese Writing Calligraphy’ (Choong Jin Yoon)
Special Award: Mi Jung Kim, Susannah Kim, Jung B. Yi
Honorable Mention: Ku Kim, Frederick Moon, Junghye Kang, Young Jo Chang, Hyechong Mitchell, Boh Rha Yoon, Richard Werle
제5회 시카고한인문화회관 주최 신인미술작가 공모전 시상식과 오프닝 리셉션이 지난 8월 14일 토요일 오후 5시에 문화회관 갤러리에서 개최되었다.
코비드-19 팬데믹 이후 두번째로 개최된 이번 신인미술작가 공모전에는 미국 전역에서 활동하는 전문/비전문 한인 미술인들이 참가하였고, 총 52점의 작품이 출품되었다. 이번 공모전 작품들은 어느 해 보다도 개성이 독특하고 쟝르가 다양하였으며, 작가 개개인의 삶의 경건함, 가족애, 그리고 예술에 대한 헌신과 사랑이 열정적으로 표현되었다. 가장 주목할 점은 참가자들의 폭넓은 연령대로 20대 초반부터 90대 초반까지의 미술인들이 참여하여 예술이라는 매개체로 선의의 경쟁을 펼쳤다는 것이다.
이날 시상식에는 시카고 한인미술협회 홍성은 회장을 비롯한 임원진들과 Andrew Bae Gallery의 Andrew Bae, Tiffani Kim Institute의 Tiffani Kim이 참석하여 축사및 시상을 하고 수상자들을 축하해주었다. 수상작 및 전체 참가작들은 오는 8월 31일까지 문화회관 갤러리에서 전시될 예정이다.